Christian Linke is the Emmy-winning co-creator, showrunner and executive producer of Riot’s acclaimed hit Netflix series Arcane, which marks the company’s first animated series. Arcane tells the origin story of two iconic League champions, set in the utopian Piltover and the oppressed underground of Zaun. The show held Netflix’s #1 global spot for three weeks in a row, also hitting the top 10 in over 87 countries. He and fellow Arcane co-creator and executive producer Alex Yee are currently working on the show’s second season, which is in production now.
After starting at Riot 11 years ago, Linke quickly began using his talents as a composer to produce music for League of Legends including its events, cinematics, albums and in-game music. Christian credits building out the music team as his proudest accomplishment at Riot. When not guiding the creative future of League of Legends, Christian plays guitar and is also one of the masterminds behind Riot’s virtual band Pentakill.